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Commercial Door Repair

Quick, Reliable, and Professional Repairs That Last

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Mia Rivera
From the moment David and AJ stepped into our facility, it was clear we were in for a treat. Their professionalism and expertise shone through as they transformed our old metal doors into works of art. Not only do the doors look spectacular, but the functionality has been enhanced, complete with a seamlessly integrated alarm system. It's rare to come across a duo that delivers such perfection with a smile. Kudos to David and AJ for a job more than well done! Their attention to detail and dedication to customer satisfaction truly set them apart. - Highly recommended!
Ethan Walker
When AJ arrived at our place of business, we didn't expect the transformation we were about to witness. Swift, efficient, and with a keen eye for detail, AJ tackled our door issues with unmatched expertise. His proactive approach, including providing us with new 'open/close' stickers, was the cherry on top of a service that was already beyond exemplary. It's refreshing to see someone who not only ensures the job is done right but also goes the extra mile to ensure everything is perfect. A huge thank you to AJ for making our doors function better than ever!
Lucas Johnson
Following an attempted break-in, we were fortunate enough to have David come and address our door repairs. Not only did he swiftly fix the damage, but he also rectified long-standing closing and locking issues, going above and beyond what we had expected. His courteous and professional demeanor, combined with his efficient work, made a stressful situation much easier to handle. John's dedication to quality service and customer care is why we highly recommend him to anyone in need of door repair services.
Chloe Lewandowski
AJ and David are true professionals in every sense of the word. From the moment they stepped into our office to repair our security system, I knew we were in good hands. Not only did they fix the issue promptly, but they also took the time to walk us through the changes they made and how we could maintain the system better in the future. Their work ethic and dedication to customer satisfaction are unparalleled. Highly recommend their services to anyone in need!
Isaiah Moreno
I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to Exadoor's exceptional service. After a minor mishap with our entryway lock, they were on-site within hours and had everything sorted out faster than I could have imagined. Their friendly demeanor and the thorough explanation of the work done were much appreciated. It's rare to find such dedicated professionals who truly care about their clients' needs. Five stars aren't enough for these guys!
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